Export your drillhole traces as a .dxf line file from Leapfrog.
To export your drillholes as a .dxf line file you'll need to go through the following workflow:
- Click on the Leapfrog Geo menu button in the upper left-hand corner of the interface and select OMF>Export
- Select one of your drillhole interval tables and click OK
- Then, click on the Leapfrog Geo menu button in the upper left-hand corner of the interface and select OMF>Import and select the exported OMF drillhole file and click OK
- The drillholes will import into the GIS Data, Maps and Photos folder
- Right-click on the GIS drillholes and select Extract_Polyline
- Then right-click on the drillhole traces polylines and select Export... in the desired format eg. dxf