How would I import a .ecw file into leapfrog?
Unfortunately, in the current release of Leapfrog, it is not possible to import ECW File Format. This feature should be implemented in a future release.
All the aerial imagery that can be imported are JPEG, PNG, TIFF, BMP, GIF.
However, the .ecw file can be converted using QGIS which is free software:
- Open QGIS and add (e.g. drag-and-drop) your EWC file onto the map;
- From the top menu select Raster > Conversion > Translate (Convert format);
- In the Translate-window select:
- Input layer: Select your ecw-layer
- Assign a specified nodata value to output bands: If the background is black, select the nodata value to be 0
- Converted: Click on the (…) button and select Save to file. The default format should be TIF files (.tiff).
- Click Run. Conversion time might take minutes or even hours depending on the file size. Make sure you have enough space on your computer when handling large rasters.
Once the conversion has been done the .tiff can be imported in LF and manually georeferenced.