I have assigned a Seequent ID an MX Deposit subscription, but I also need to assign them a MX Deposit project.
Only an MX Deposit administrator can give project access to users. Please contact the MX Deposit administrator and ask if they have followed these steps:
- Open the configuration menu.
- Under “Your site” click on “Projects.”
- Click on the project you want to edit.
- Click on the “Assign users” section
- Once you’re done assigning users to groups, you can either click “Save and close” or “Done” to save your changes.
If you are unaware of who your MX Deposit administrator are you can reach out to Seequent Support (support@seequent.com) to obtain the Admins emails.
For additional information regarding managing groups and projects in Deposit please review this knowledge article: https://support.mxdeposit.net/hc/en-us/articles/360037445334-Create-and-assign-activity-groups. Specifically the section which address how "To assign users to groups".