I have a grid I would like to shift in a specific direction without altering the coordinates in the GDB.
You can shift the location of a grid by updating the grids properties.
- Go to Grid and Image > Grid Properties.
- Select the grid and press Next
- In the Grid Properties dialog, click Modify
- Change the X and Y location of the bottom left point.
- Click OK
Alternatively, if you want to coordinates in the GDB to match the grid, you can adjust the X,Y channels in the GDB prior to gridding. I would recommend creating a copy of your X,Y channels before editing.
- Database Tool > Channel Tools > Copy Channel. Copy both the X and Y channel into new channels.
- Use channel math to adjust the newly created X and Y channels. (Database Tools > Channel Math)
- Then grid the data as you normally would.
Before altering the location of a grid, it's a good idea to create a back-up copy in case you need to roll back to the original.
To create a copy:
- Go to Grid and Image > Utilities > Copy/Convert.
- Select the input grid and give the output grid a new name and click OK