I would like to change the vertical exaggeration for a section or 3D map in my drillhole project.
For projects with shallow drill holes, it is sometimes useful to change the vertical scale for section maps and 3D maps.
For Section maps:
- DH-Plot menu > Section > OK > Section Location tab.
In Target for ArcGIS: Target Drillhole toolbar > Generate Target Section Plot > OK > Section Location tab. - Change the Vert Exag parameter.
To create a 3D map:
- DH-Plot menu > New 3D view
- Add to 3D > Drillholes.
In Target for ArcGIS: Target Drillhole toolbar > Generate 3D Drillhole Plot > set the parameters as required > OK. - Your drill holes will be displayed in the 3D Viewer.
To change the scale of the Z axis in the 3D Viewer:
- Settings menu in 3D Viewer > Tools & Settings > Visualization > Rendering tab > change Scale Z.
For Target for ArcMap:
- Tools & Settings > 3D Settings > Rendering tab > Change the Scale z