When plotting a section map I get the following error if I attempt to display a Surpac Vision DTM file (*.str) as topography in the Topography Tab of the Section Parameters dialog.
Format error importing ****.str at line 3. This may be an error in the file, or the import may not be set up to import certain features of this file.
Geosoft applications can only import ASCII format Surpac Vision DTM files.
- Open the Surpac Vision DTM file (*.str) in Surpac
- When saving the file change the default configuration to an ASCII format.
- Import the ASCII format Surpac Vision DTM file.
Root Cause
The Surpac Vision DTM (*.str) file is an unsupported version. Many of the *.str files which cause failures are in binary format. Geosoft software can only import Surpac Vision DTM files which are in ASCII format.
By default Surpac saves files in ASCII format when the file is small. However, if a file is larger Surpac automatically changes that configuration to save the file as a binary format to save space.