I have a polygon PLY file and would like to remove all of the data points from a database that lie outside of that PLY file.
The database needs to masked based on the PLY file first, and then subset using a mask channel.
To window the X, Y channels in the GDB:
- Open the database > Database Tools menu > Window Data > Window X,Y, to polygon mask.
- Select the PLY file and specify whether you want to dummy the database values inside of it or outside of the mask > OK.
This will dummy the X and Y coordinates according to your selection. Your original X and Y channels are backed up in new channels called __X and __Y.
You can restore the original channels through Database Tools > Window Data > Restore Full X, Y.
To subset the database:
- Database Tools menu > Window Data > Subset database.
- Enter a name for the output Subset database.
- For the Remove mask dummys parameter, select All dummies.
- Select your X or Y channel as the mask channel and specify the desired parameters for subsetting > OK.
To restore the full X, Y coordinates in the original database:
- Make the original database the active window.
- Database Tools menu > Window Data > Restore Full X, Y.
Related Documents: How to window a grid using a polygon file.