A Geosoft Compliance message appears when I launch a Geosoft application and the message lists my machine name followed by a number e.g. “MyMachineName:1, MyMachineName:4”, as currently using my subscription.
There are a number of things you can try to resolve this error:
1. Restart the computer:
- Close Oasis montaj if opened.
- Open the Task Manager
- Under the Details Tab look for omcore.exe
- If you find one select it and click End Task
- Restart the PC
2. Speak with your I.T Team about whitelist the following domains.
3. Contact Support (support@seequent.com) to clear the stale compliance records that are associated with your Seequent ID in another session.
Root Cause:
Seequent Connector captures your machine name and Session ID when you open your Geosoft application. Closing the application notifies server that the application is no longer in use. In other words, a session ID token is created when the application is launched, and deleted when the application is closed. If the session ID token isn't getting deleted when the application is closed, the server will think the application is still in use and result in errors or compliance messages the next time you launch.
This could happen if you are disconnected from the server, or go offline, and close your Geosoft application. The next time you launch on the same machine, the Session ID may change causing the server to think a different computer is now using the license.
We have also had reports of this problem with restrictive firewall / proxy server. If there is a chance your firewall / proxy server may be hampering communication, or delaying incoming or outgoing calls, it is recommended that you ask your local I.T to whitelist our domains.
Session ID is used to identify the owner of a process when multiple users are logged on to the same computer or server. You can check your Session ID in the Task Manager Details tab by adding the Session ID column. On a single-user computer the Session ID is usually "1" but it can change when the computer is shut down and restarted. If your Session ID is not “1” then restarting the computer from the Start menu Power options will reset the Session ID. If you shut down using other options, such as closing your laptop or pressing the power button, the Session ID may increment.
For Seequent Support Staff only - see this internal article with steps on how to delete compliance errors.