After installing or updating a Geosoft Product, I get an error similar to the one listed below:
"Unable to locate error message 21730. Please make sure the appropriate GER files are present."
"Unable to locate error message 31004. Please make sure the appropriate GER files are present."
Uninstall Geosoft Desktop Application:
- Close the Geosoft Application if open.
- Use the Control Panel to uninstall Geosoft Desktop Applications.
- Once the uninstall completes, open Windows Explorer, navigate to C:\Program Files, and delete the Geosoft folder.
- Also navigate to C:\Program Files (x86) and delete the Geosoft folder
Use the Microsoft Troubleshooter tool to ensure that all Geosoft files have been deleted from the PC.
- Open a browser and go to https://support.microsoft.com/en-ca/help/17588/windows-fix-problems-that-block-programs-being-installed-or-removed
- Press the Download Troubleshooter button.
- Run the downloaded application.
- Click Next on the first dialog.
- Click Uninstalling on the second dialog
- Scan for any files that start Geosoft
- Select them and press Next.
NOTE: you may need to repeat these steps multiple times. Once for each Geosoft file you find.
Install Geosoft Desktop Application:
- Install Geosoft Desktop Applications using a file downloaded from this site: https://my.seequent.com/products
Root Cause:
Older Geosoft files on your computer aren't being updated when installing, which is causing complications with the newer version.