The following error occurs when attempting to run the Multi-Trend gridding function:
Cannot use vector methods with non-memory based objects. Make a call to the MakeMemBased method first.
This error can occur when your GDB contains lines that have no data in the channel you are attempting to grid. To workaround the error you will need to unselect the empty lines.
- Right-click the top-left channel header in your GDB and go to Selection > Selection Tool
- Use the Line Selection Tool dialog to unselect the empty lines.
- Then run the function again.
I quick way to determine which lines have no data in a specific channel is to use a Line/Channel Report
- Go to Database Tools > Reports > Line/Channel Report
- Select the channel you are attempting to grid for the Channel to calculate statistics parameter.
- Click Ok
- In the resulting report, you can quickly scroll through the lines looking for the missing values.