I am trying to find a way to merge meshes together and then export them as a single mesh.
There are a couple ways to do this:
1. Use the Meshes>Mesh Operations. There are various options within Mesh Operations. To merges meshes this way, they must be closed meshes
- If you meshes are closed Volumes, choose Boolean Volume
2. Another clever way to merge 2 meshes with a volume is to use Geological Models. Create intrusions > From Surface for each of your units, making sure to assign them the same lithology.
- You may need to start with a base lithology of <none>
- Resolution does not matter if these meshes are the only inputs to your geological model; the output will simply adopt the resolution of the input meshes
- Make sure to double click on Lithologies and add unit(s) for the meshes.
- For the meshes you want to merge, make sure to assign them the same 'lithology' when you create them as intrusions.
- Activate the surfaces to produce the Output Volume, which will be a boolean volume (union if they are separate, intersection if the overlap).
3. You can use Merge 2D Meshes if your meshes are 2D. Here you also have the option of merging meshes that have a "gap" in the middle. Check out this blog to learn more.