One of these error messages is returned when trying to import a 16-bit or a 32-bit image file (*.tif, *.bmp, *.jpg, etc...):
- "LEAD Tools error code -13.... image may be too large for LEAD Tools to open with the memory available on your system."
- "The {drive and path}\{file name}.tif contains an image with 16 bits per pixel. This type of file is not supported."
- "The TIFF file {file name}.tif is not supported". then "Failed to determine grid range".
- "The {file name}.tif file contains an image with 48 bits per pixel. This type of file is not supported."
- If the pixels in the file represent measured data values (i.e. magnetic readings or elevations) and you are licensed for ArcGIS, convert the image file to a binary grid (i.e. an ArcGIS floating point grid *.flt).
- If you downloaded the file from a geosciences site, see if they have the same dataset available as a binary grid and not an image file. See the supported Common Grid Formats.
- If on the other hand, the file is an air photo or satellite image, you need to use a 3rd party image processing application to scale the image from 16-bits (or 32-bits) to 8-bits while maintaining the dynamic range.
To export a TIFF in ArcMap into a ArcGIS floating point grid:
- Display the TIFF in ArcMap.
- ArcToolbox > Conversion Tools > From Raster > Raster to Float.
- Select the *.tif as the Input raster.
- Choose the directory and enter a file name for the Output floating point raster file > OK.
If you are using the Extensions for ArcGIS, use the converted *.flt file for Geosoft functions that require an input grid (i.e. to create contours, to plot a topography profile on a section map, etc...)
To open the floating point raster file in Oasis montaj/Target:
- Open or start a new project.
- Grid and Image menu > Display > Grid.
- Click the browse button to the right of Grid name.
- Change Files of type to ArcView Binary Raster Grid (*.flt) > select the file > Open.
- Add the file to a New Map or the Current Map.
Root Cause
Seequent only supports 8-bit image files. 16-bit and 32-bit image files are not supported but there is a request in our system to add support for these bit depths.