I would like to window (i.e. mask or clip) a Geosoft grid using a polygon file (*.PLY).
- Create your polygon file if you have not done so already (Map Tools menu > CAD Tools > see "Create PLY" options).
- Go to Grid and Image > Utilities > Window a Grid using Polygon File.
- Select the Input Grid file to window.
- Enter a name for the Output Masked Grid File.
- Browse to and select the Polygon Coordinates File (*.ply).
- For Mask the area OUTSIDE or INSIDE the polygon select OUTSIDE (to exclude data around the outside of the polygon).
- For Minimize size of output grid? select YES. (selecting no in this case will only hide the displayed data and not remove the unwanted data from the actual output grid file)
- Click OK.
The masking polygon may be defined either in a clockwise or counter-clockwise sense. There may be more than one polygon defined in a polygon file. The masking process will mask the grid against ALL polygons defined in the file. When masking outside the polygon, grid points that lie on a polygon edge are not dummied. When masking inside the polygon, points on a polygon edge are dummied.
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