When creating base maps in Geosoft there are some basic options to choose from, but there are many features that are inaccessible from the GUI. More advanced users may wish to personalize their maps by editing the control (.con) file that is saved when a base map is created.
One feature that is customizable through the control file is the size of the Coordinate grid crosses. The following step will allow the user to resize the crosses.
When a base map is created, Geosoft saves a control file in the project directory called _basmap.con. This file can be edited using a simple text editor.
To modify the size of the crosses displayed on the base map find the code in the base map control that outlines the “GRID”. It will look as follow:
IFNE 2,-1
DATT refgrid
The GRID is defined by six comma delimited attributes gopt,dx,dy,ddx,ddy,att
To adjust the size of the crosses edit the GRID attributes as follows
IFNE 2,-1
DATT refgrid
GRID 2,,,150
… where the value in Bold (ex. 150) is the length in map (ground) units of one-half of the cross bars.
Save the edited version (e.g. to “mycrosses.con”) and use the Map Tools -> Base Map -> MAPPLOT Control File menu option to select your control file and observer the changes.
To learn more about what controls can be modified please look for the Command References by searching for "MAPPLOT Topics and Command Reference" in the application Help.