I need to extract a section grid from a voxel and would optionally like to be able to specify the exact X, Y coordinates to slice the voxel with.
There are several ways to extract a section grid from a voxel. The options that are available will depend on if you are using Oasis montaj/Target or Target for ArcGIS.
Method 1: Interactive - from map
This option is available with Oasis montaj/Target.
This option is available with Oasis montaj/Target.
- Ensure there is a plan map in the working directory.
- From the 3D Viewer > Add to 3D menu > Grids > Section Grid(s) Extracted from Voxel.
- Select the Voxel file to slice.
- Enter a name for the Output grid file.
- Set Section selection to Interactive - from map.
- Click OK.
- You will be prompted to specify which map to use to define the points to use for slicing the voxel. Select the map and click Open.
- You can either click 2 points on the plan map or you can use the Specify Exact Position tool by pressing Enter once you have selected which plan map to use (use this tool two times, once for each point).
Method 2: from current database
For a new database, this option is available in Oasis montaj/Target. In Target for ArcGIS, you can use an existing database.
For a new database, this option is available in Oasis montaj/Target. In Target for ArcGIS, you can use an existing database.
- Make the database with line coordinates the current GDB.
- From the 3D Viewer > Add to 3D menu > Grids > Section Grid(s) Extracted from Voxel.
- Specify the Voxel file to slice.
- Enter a name for the Output grid file.
- Set the Section selection parameter to one of the "...current database" options.
This is a good option to use if you want to extract section grids along several different lines. You need to set your database up so it has more than 1 line.
Method 3: Interactive - from drill project
This option is available in Oasis montaj (with the Drillhole Plotting Extension), in Target and in Target for ArcGIS.
- From the 3D Viewer > Add to 3D menu > Grids > Section Grid(s) Extracted from Voxel.
- Specify the Voxel file to slice.
- Enter a name for the Output grid file.
- Set the Section selection parameter to Interactive - from drill project.
- Click OK.
- Specify the Section Azimuth for the grid (i.e. E-W, N-S, or Angled).
- Click Define next to the option you selected.
- On the plan portion of the Define Section View dialog box, click two points to define your section grid location.
Alternatively, you can specify the centre of the section, the length and the Azimuth (for the angled option) under the Location and Orientation area. - Click OK on the Define Section View dialog box.
The section grid will automatically be displayed in the 3D Viewer.
Method 4: create a section grid for a drillhole section map
This option is available in Oasis montaj (with the Drillhole Plotting Extension), in Target and in Target for ArcGIS.
- From the Section Parameters dialog box, set up the Section Location tab.
- Click the Slices tab.
- Place a check in the Plot voxel slice option.
- Browse to and select the Voxel file to slice.
- Click OK to create the section map.
The section map will be created and the section grid which was sliced from the voxel (along the centre plane of the section) will automatically be displayed on the map.