I would like to create a Geosoft Polygon File (*.PLY).
There are a number of methods for creating a Polygon file. This article will cover a few of the most commonly used methods. Each of these methods assumes you have an open 2D map.
Method 1: Create an irregularly shaped PLY
- Map Tools menu > CAD Tools > Create Polygon PLY File.
- Enter a Polygon file name and select Inclusive or Exclusive.
- Digitize the PLY file using the left-mouse button for each polygon node.
- Right-click > Done to close the polygon.
Method 2: Create a Rectangular PLY File
- Map Tools menu > CAD Tools > Create Rectangular PLY File.
- Enter an Output mask file name, select Inclusive or Exclusive.
- Rectangular polygon files can be created by manually entering in Minimum and Maximum X,Y coordinates or they can be created Interactively by pressing the Interactive button.
Method 3: Create a PLY file from an existing polygon group on a map.
- Map Tools menu > CAD Tools > Create PLY File from Map Group.
- Select an existing vector Group on the map. e.g grid outline, Shapefile file, boundary DXF, etc.
- Type in an Output polygon file name > OK.
- Inclusive polygons define areas to be included in the mask. Exclusive polygons define areas to be excluded from the mask.
- Polygon files will not be displayed automatically once created. To display a PLY file: Map Tools menu > Draw PLY File.
- A text editor such as Notepad can be used to view the contents of the ASCII *.PLY file.
- A polygon created on a projected map will include the projection in the PLY file.
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