When uploading proposed drill holes into my Leapfrog project I'm getting the following error message:
Line *** contains unexpected type of value.
There can be a number of reasons you may receive this error message. You will need to review the list of potential causes below and address each:
- There could be an extra space or row in the csv. Double-check for these and remove them where necessary.
- Special characters in your data may cause issues. Look for these and remove them or replace with non-special characters.
- You need to add 0's to the lift, drift, distance and extension columns.
When uncertain about formatting requirements, a simple test is to copy and paste single line of data into the attached blank testing csv file and import.
If issue persists, please send copy of csv to support@seequent.com and we will review the data and reply with our recommendations.
Root Cause
While the root cause may vary, this error generally occurs with missing or unexpected value(s) in the CSV.