Error message:
I receive the following error when attempting to open a project in Leapfrog Geo, Leapfrog Works and Geothermal.
"Leapfrog Geo:
Project file structure is broken.
The project Data Folder [PROJECT PATH] cannot be located. It is recommended to copy projects by saving a zipped copy from the Leapfrog Geo menu."
This error occurs when you are trying to open a *.aproj file that has been moved from the project folder and the software does not know where the project files are.
A lonely project file that is opened from the Leapfrog software.
Best option is to revert back to a backup.
If not possible, then try to identify the folder mentioned (ex. "Oliver.aproj_data" for the "Oliver.aproj" project file) and return it to this folder.
This is the expected file structure in a project folder. As a rule NEVER touch this.
This should remove the above error, but may generate others.
Root Cause
When the project file is not stored where it is supposed to be.
Notes: As a general rule of thumb, try to avoid relocating individual files within a Leapfrog project folder.