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Error: “Not a Leapfrog Viewer project”.
Error: The Project ... was created with an old version of Leapfrog Geo. You need to open and upgrade the project using Leapfrog Geo 2.0 first.
Error: "Leapfrog Geo has encountered a problem ValueError: unsupported pickle protocol: 3".
Error: "Failed to login. Error: Could not authenticate user." when publishing to view.
Error: "HTTPSConnectionPool(host='', port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: /oauth2/access (Caused by SSLError(SSLError("bad handshake: Error([('SSL routines', 'ssl3_get_server_certificate', 'certificate verify failed')],)",),))"
Error: "Issued At claim (iat) cannot be in the future."
Error: "Unable to add the Leapfrog Connector to the user "". Error - 500"
Error: "Unable to read data file. The data C:\Users\***\Onedrive\*** is locked by another program or you do not have permission to access it".
Error: "Log in failed. Server is a Classic Server."
Error: "Log In Failed. Insufficient Rights"
Error: Import Drillholes Error. CSV file is of incorrect format. CSV file should have following headers: ['Drillhole Name, Easting, Northing, Elevation, Azimuth, Dip, Lift Rate, Drift Rate, Distance, Extension, Target Depth, Comment']"
Error: "Failed to read system information. Windows management Instrumentation is not available, please reboot your computer and try again"
Error: "RBF Interpolation failed to converge. Check the accuracy. If using a Spheroidal interpolant, a smaller range or larger nugget value may help".
Error: "Log In Failed. A Leapfrog Connector Subscription is Required for Connecting."
Cannot upload project to Central as being used by other program.
A problem has occurred during CSG
Error: "Sign in failed". Or "Sign out failed". Occurs when attempting to sign in or out of a Leapfrog product. Pre 2021.1